Saturday, September 12, 2009

Day Two

Continuing the theme from yesterday, I've been thinking about the reopening of the Statue of Liberty and how I'd like to visit it again someday. I was there once and climbed up into the head, this was before 9/11, in 1998, one of my first trips to New York City. Walking up the winding staircase wasn't difficult, rather, believing you weren't going to fall from the sky when a gust of wind came up and the entire tower swayed side to side was the hard part. I'm so glad she has been renovated and hope to see her and Ellis Island soon.

Beacon of Freedom

A woman made of stone
naked knees to nipples
negligeed in a rippling flag.

She is tightly engraved
etched in stone-heavy grooves
god-like, museum worthy:
wearing the nation.

Seasonally weeping acid rain
loosely preserved,
going gray with guano
the idol of forgotten masses
forgotten for forgotten reasons
guiding emigrental progress
sleepy-eyed process
eroding the memory
of presence
in speech.

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