Monday, November 2, 2009

Evening Luminescence

Falling back in time to adhere to daylight saving time is always better than springing forward, in my opinion, especially this weekend using the extra hour to stay up for a Saturday night football game on the west coast. But tonight, the change truly hit me. I went to my favorite yoga class, put my mat down in the same place I’ve put it since April on the same floor of Studio Serenity’s third story room and rather than a faint sun beaming in, it was light fading fast and by the time we got to Shava Asana (Corpse Pose), it was dark outside. When the chimes rang and our instructor’s voice guided us up into seated pose for the final Namaste to honor our fellow yogis, it seems that I wasn’t the only one who didn’t want to get up. The half-egg-yolk we had grown accustomed to seeing through the front windows was no longer.

Instead the beautiful bright moon guided me home and I couldn’t but be in awe of its fullness.

Breathing the Harvest
by Nicole Speulda

Fall falls, dusk lives soon
The giant orb confronts me
Night, my love, the moon.

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