Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Opposite of What’s Right

Today should have been a perfectly fine day, beginning with seeing friends and a movie, but I managed to sabagouge it by sipping from the off-limits, nasty cup of life.  It seems the contridictions that have lived within me for a while, are tempered only sometimes.  I know there's a better way of life.  I just need to commit to it, which is why I'm getting this out and letting it go.

Soft as Metal Rain

I'm an uncooked ham

left to thaw,
I am the camel
that broke the straw.

Haven't you heard of a bee
who doesn't like honey-
that's me.

I'm the voiceless singer
a candy cane without the stripes,
the performer who can't perform,
as cautious as a yellow light.

I'm a dripping faucet,
a hollow tree
as much the sand as the sea.
I'm a plastic ice tray
and the staccato white dividing line
on the highway.

I'm the giraffe with the two inch neck,
or am I the bleeding rain
that flooded the desert,
the weathered picnic table on the deck?

I could be that table
without a weathered bench,
or a mime without white gloves,
the monkey, but not the wrench.

I am the triumph of failure
and a decision unmade
I'm soft as metal rain.

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